Thursday, July 1, 2010

11,000 HR Practitioners in One Hall

Did the title make you shudder? I tell you what, like when the local cops are all at one accident, I'm thinking some employees and employers got away with murder these last few days. 11,000 HR pros from the US (plus 800 from other countries) spent 4 days in San Diego learning the latest and greatest in our world. And it was great. I attended 3 workshops on the Health Care Reform regs alone. No, seriously: on purpose. And there must have been 6 on Leadership, and Diversity/Inclusion, demographic trends, benefits, technology, employee engagement, and, of course, labor laws. By my rough count there were 175 different presenters over 4 days.

Keynote speakers included Steve Forbes (he has faith that all will be well with the economy, and, oh yeah, a flat tax would help), Al Gore (also has faith in America's companies ability to survive if we adopt sustainability in more than just the environment), and Marcus Buckingham, the guru of talent & strength-based hiring, who wowed the crowd describing the difference between a manager and a leader. (I know,it sounds funny -- but we were wowed, for sure.)

Every speaker was gracious in their praise of HR for keeping corporate and small biz America from imploding, so we all drank the koolaid and have come home ready to step it up a notch. Watch out employees. And employers.Your HR team is pumped!

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