A client called the other day to remark that she continues to be surprised at how applicants for jobs dress for their interview. A candidate for retail store manager showed up in an un-ironed shirt that was not tucked in. Quick: can you guess the approximate age of the owner and candidate? Yep, the owner is a Boomer (45 – 63) and the job applicant was a Gen Y guy. (27 or less).
That episode reminded me to ask our recruiters if they counsel applicants on how to dress for a job interview. Yes, they assured me, “but some people just don’t get it”. Another example of differing points of reference: maybe the guy felt he was dressed professionally because he wasn’t wearing jeans.
So my suggestion to business owners who are or will be hiring soon: when you respond to an applicant’s resume and would like to interview them, send them a copy of your dress code. Eliminate this issue before it becomes a barrier to your perception and judgment during the interview. And, Boomers, I know you think any candidate worth their salt will know – or research on the internet – about your company’s style, and come dressed appropriately. But, as a Boomer icon sang to our parents decades ago: the times they are a’changing.